The original text from the old website:
The purpose of is to enable everyone to give away the things that they don’t or won’t use anymore and can give them out to others who have a betteruse for them.
So the rules of using this site are simple:
* No cash transactions are involved, everything is FREE.
* We encourage the Donors to be as specific about the products as possible.
* In general we expect the Receivers to arrange/pay for the transport, so as not to burden the donor.
* Receiver, please put your wanted list in the proper categories so that the Donors can find your request easily.
* Last but not the least, please mark your ads ‘Gone for betteruse!’ when the donations are given away, like this you will not receive any more unnecessary enquiries.
* NO commercial Ads are allowed.
* only puts people in contact & is not resposible for any transactions/dealings there after.
* All minor persons using this site should take permission of their elders before using this site and entering in contact with other people thru’ this site. cannot be held responsible for any problems arising or loss de to the use of this site.
* Donate us some cash to keep this site going.
This is not recycling, but a betteruse
How it works !
One person’s trash can truly be another’s treasure!
You have a nice table which you don’t use anymore. Its still in good condition, you like it & don’t want to throw it. You ask you friends if somebody needs it & then you end up throwing it. You feel sorry & would rather have given it to somebody, but you don’t know to whom to give to. You don’t have the space to keep it either.
This is where the comes in to the picture. It puts people like you in contact with the person who will be very happy to have you table.
Now this could be a table or anything else. It could very well be any item that can still be used. If you think the item in you hands is of any value to you or to somebody then offer it for betteruse.
Now this could be even the old furniture in your workplace or that office chair or those old Computers you are upgrading. Even it could be old letterheaded paper you could give to a kindergarten school/day care/nursery where kids would love to draw on it or cut it to make flowers, animals, masks, aeroplanes, etc… provides individuals and non-profit associations/organisations an electronic means to “betteruse” unwanted items.
Everything posted must be free.
Whether it’s a chair, a hamster, a car, or old books to be given away, they can be posted on the network.
Or, maybe you’re looking to acquire something yourself?
Respond to the posting directly and you just might get it. After that it is up to the donors to set up a pickup time and place.
Non-profit organizations also benefit from the network. Post the item or items you want and can help you get them. team will remove any ad which contains Money, Politics, illegal goods, or Spam.
Please keep It Free, Legal & Appropriate For All Ages.